Range at full charge doesn’t hit 300 miles

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Hi everyone, I recently purchased a Model Y with 10,000 miles on it, and I’ve noticed something odd about the range. With the latest software installed, both the car and the app show a range of only 272 miles at 100% charge.

From what I’ve heard, the range should be over 300 miles, so I’m wondering if this is normal or if something could be affecting it. Could it be related to battery degradation, driving habits from the previous owner, or even the way it calculates range?
Honestly, 272 miles doesn’t sound too far off, especially for a Model Y with 10k miles. A small amount of battery degradation over that distance is completely normal, 1-3% in the first year isn’t unusual. Range estimates can change based on climate conditions, road terrain, or even tire choice (are you on the stock tires?). To get a better read on your battery health, you could try running the battery from 100% to 0% on an efficient drive and measure the energy consumption. If you’re really concerned, a service center check can confirm everything’s in good shape.
Basically, the car learns how far it can go over time. It needs to sit around sometimes with that Sentry Mode thing off, so it can figure stuff out.

People say the car starts showing a longer range after a while, and I think they're right. I started charging it the same way every time, and let it chill overnight, and now it says I can go further.

It's pretty cool how it learns!
That’s something a lot of Model Y owners know. There are a few factors that could explain it.
First is Battery Degradation. It’s normal for EV batteries to lose a small percentage of capacity over time, especially if the car has been fast-charged frequently.
Next is Driving History. Tesla's range estimate adapts based on driving habits with all their driving sensors. If the previous owner had a heavy foot or drove in cold conditions, the range estimate might be lower.
Then last is weather and conditions in your area. Colder temperatures can reduce range, even if the battery is at 100%.
If you’re concerned, you could try recalibrating the battery by letting it drop to 10-20% and then charging it to 100%. It might give you a clearer idea of your actual range

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